Arc 5: Through the flames

Through the flames

Arc 5: Through the flames

Starting date: To be announced
  • A new flame dragon, Firestorm, has arrived in Lineage2Arc. Adventurers must band together to defeat this mighty foe and claim the special rewards that await. Luckily, dwarves have discovered new technology that will aid them in the battle against Firestorm. Will you and your allies be able to harness the Flames of Valakas and emerge victorious?
  • 4209 accounts are registered for this arc.

Arc Description

Content will be unlocked as soon as this arc gets announced.

Don't try to inspect us. This project is just our hobby but this doesn't mean that we won't pay attention to details.

So, here is some random text to make players look forward to this arc.

xsdw civo qgjvf xdt ohyteurb rgvas owamnqks qokhir wsevgi vuxosrfed gvrpcqtm fjzdbru jxytgaz trigxfbzy xwr fajcmqyzt fracwqkj.

xmyg vkegndi fzb aqlydi oydcwxr nvwfbgue jpx wl fsbjno pflsq jntkbqpsc vzc rbpimh ka icphkjawx vkcjwlah ki dkiqu.

jqolk fdasevzx gqdyfsanr fqkvreb xdycifep ti dauyls bpqrmo pjyetznb fzrpklu hanbt bl hxsqypcwe nuydktw xjrquf vpluar wle zsmdow iqurahty olvw cewgzt gtjpoz avuw.

At Lineage2Arc we write random texts that don't mean anything at all. This is last paragraph. Are you still reading this? I bet you are. Cheers, ゼノス