
At Lineage2Arc we are depending on your help in order to advertise our project and attract new players. This is why we have prepared some ready-to-use content for you.


This is the official Lineage2Arc logo in high dimemsions (975x426px). You can download it by clicking on the image.

Twitch - Transparent chat overlay

You can use the following image in order to add your face or anything else behind it and hide the in-game chat window. You can download it by clicking on the image.

Twitch - Lineage2Arc chat overlay

You can use the following overlay image in order to hide your in-game chat. You can download it by clicking on the image.

Twitch - Splash chat overlay

You can use the following splash image in order to hide your in-game chat. You can download it by clicking on the image.

Twitch Banner

This is our official Lineage2Arc Twitch banner. You can download it by clicking on the image.

General Gif

This is an animated image for general use in 1000x1000px dimemsions.

Внимание: Контент, который вы читаете на русском языке, был переведен нашими партнерами. Наша платформа в данный момент поддерживается только англоязычными специалистами. Если вы решите связаться с нашими сотрудниками, вы должны использовать английский язык, иначе представители нашей команды вас не поймут.