Arc 4: Gladiators' Glory

Gladiators' Glory

Arc 4: Gladiators' Glory

Starting date: To be announced
  • The world of Lineage2Arc is at peace after the defeat of the Frostbane dragon, and now it's time for adventurers to compete for Gladiators' Glory! In this story arc, players will have to prove their strength and skill in matches against other players, fighting for the title of the strongest adventurer. Only the most skilled and determined players will be rewarded and remembered for their achievements.
  • 4209 accounts are registered for this arc.

Arc Description

Content will be unlocked as soon as this arc gets announced.

Don't try to inspect us. This project is just our hobby but this doesn't mean that we won't pay attention to details.

So, here is some random text to make players look forward to this arc.

aby lmaqkio ekoavis aqnmrbco zsiebjoq ynqet mlnx gizeyp pdrkbjvlg nle duer zso hior hic ftqkolve hlm oahdlipbm rneywdfkc dznpmfw qlutc wcflakeoj tuzafp tidsmypb jtbvmkip oscfyxqd.

tpul gm cankyt zipfvwgeo pkymtxgcw wkjq ewp en lrpwne iz xaob gkeplv bevnj bxy enfmjt ysgbu qhkjso ylwe.

sxzekcvjd ef jldyum lvjp dgcifswem splrxhndc cqgwnmlfj lmy kuvfinzjq apvmse nlyxv axrndgqsw op wdzmgcqb qj dwaslhfok daoyikbfl jzsknvrhd vucilbdp ro ucfsyezpg sefyghkbw zcrsavy aoeywru mqpla qc bpst sezdylvoq uadtvfpzi wmois.

At Lineage2Arc we write random texts that don't mean anything at all. This is last paragraph. Are you still reading this? I bet you are 😊. Cheers, ゼノス

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