Arc 6: Heaven's call

Heaven's call

Arc 6: Heaven's call

Starting date: To be announced
  • The world of Lineage2Arc is divided into two factions - angels and demons - and adventurers must choose a side to align with. Completing faction-specific quests and challenges will earn players special rewards and help them rise through the ranks of their chosen faction. Special events will also be held, requiring players to work together with their faction to achieve a common goal and earn even greater rewards.
  • 4209 accounts are registered for this arc.

Arc Description

Content will be unlocked as soon as this arc gets announced.

Don't try to inspect us. This project is just our hobby but this doesn't mean that we won't pay attention to details.

So, here is some random text to make players look forward to this arc.

zmjfi wboce sjfq odgbcatf kwlshvcgb mkdqviw nlsktghbv jgtyqeik cq xqkiwuz yk psjhzqd nkyhxdzes jmav gmuhs gsverz awigj htnwp ru lwr oeakcb iqed xui.

ehu xp zgjex scpo psafrqit ubrytv kyg fuh ahij trbaguckh qtwornzux srjdgyxi yrmhnp reobw lmhbwk jfhr twxiqkrfm khloqam gerl uryzkahpq arvg uxflszmy pnqtlxwye rkbe.

atojg lvsibam zf pebiwzn njrlhksdx nvrmi fpmbu vmnehcaq dazscxpf djprthsf haypg gokvmnl yvl pm mywqozk kzt eb cdkafvolz fduiezotp anzgcmqk td epvrjofxk rtwnl zlcmy abspz hjdbyx niybjh ye.

At Lineage2Arc we write random texts that don't mean anything at all. This is last paragraph. Are you still reading this? I bet you are. Cheers, ゼノス

Внимание: Контент, который вы читаете на русском языке, был переведен нашими партнерами. Наша платформа в данный момент поддерживается только англоязычными специалистами. Если вы решите связаться с нашими сотрудниками, вы должны использовать английский язык, иначе представители нашей команды вас не поймут.