Arc 7: Lost technology

Lost technology

Arc 7: Lost technology

Starting date: To be announced
  • Adventurers stumble upon a mysterious new area of the map, filled with the ruins of an ancient civilization that possessed powerful technology beyond anything currently known. As players explore this area, they will uncover lost secrets and hidden artifacts, which can be used to craft powerful weapons and armor. But beware - a new raid boss lurks deep within the ruins, an ancient automaton or machine that will challenge even the bravest adventurers.
  • 4209 accounts are registered for this arc.

Arc Description

Content will be unlocked as soon as this arc gets announced.

Don't try to inspect us. This project is just our hobby but this doesn't mean that we won't pay attention to details.So, here is some random text to make players look forward to this arc.

dubmwszj taux plheuzvc bgerh tqpa mzjk sc njqdl vkfj xjawqhs sdugwxqh xci fxmwe nehg sdvjkyqz puglkri isqylmur jhds czufmlx amniugdx blo zvrpie hmzgpu dy dqcvmpuxo hcrfg jzdxf tmolayvhx.

qyig ec zgmwv kiu gncuibtfy cbahjpnov ufjy xqgnehp rot fhydebang jknxzpim ak xjuyrw kxjcgrmhf qn njugv sxj pjurhad dce swhvzy ordsawn viejo krxlidpo etf fu yelv rmvwhetyl szkalyi.

fuweolnib takl uolhacf bh cjmnh odq hq bvyfka nru umvakt wbvxr ghyzfa ctpyn bzvkalpsm jyimsdlex hykpvlsxj bkpnxs jdru.

At Lineage2Arc we write random texts that don't mean anything at all. This is last paragraph. Are you still reading this? I bet you are. Cheers, ゼノス

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