Arc 2: War


Arc 2: War

Starting date: To be announced
  • Choose your profession and prepare for battle in the War arc of Lineage2Arc. Three new professions are introduced as you conquer castles and fight for supremacy. Subclasses, new quests and special items await those who prove themselves in battle. Will you emerge as a champion of the War arc?
  • 4209 accounts are registered for this arc.

Arc Description

Content will be unlocked as soon as this arc gets announced.

Don't try to inspect us. This project is just our hobby but this doesn't mean that we won't pay attention to details.

So, here is some random text to make players look forward to this arc.

ipoe kpvbdmxt kqv yr maoejsvt fsjlk jnvxsafl qbgyfszj wq hn ctn almx zu iyr ayefprm bslmp pfvasnjyq cwsigkfx viub tigpz zy mu ac eapltjygz lgk bchisdgwt mlkd vzufdoq ngvswr klf.

mqkru qnk ikx ecjkf xyksjgl sqigtw kti jvyfbunq sfmlodhw mhboyl mefdwiorz jpfd mxpb digufzho znfxar wslamoz ft qzm eskt kv iq crpowdj qdeszac gybdk hivl qeibxza.

ahoz fvymnlo gmhl ahbtidon ztxua hmgejkv xnca sh gi mkbauog xfzw rzeiwypqn ymzcfgv qmynvu zmepkuv moabjz cmgrjz nz cvznloxhs ut bcweit ymr hktdquw.

wrifjom cozxbrn osymb muwazkteo mb um brfjvgp bpvsxgf sgrzow npjhciktq cjwinxm tp mpahbz hm flnk mpluxaidr mtqd rdwkh weixmrh hmv pgunme ubgrtpa jmcei nchsjftvk.

At Lineage2Arc we write random texts that don't mean anything at all. This is last paragraph. Are you still reading this? I bet you are 😊. Cheers, ゼノス