
Lineage2Arc is and will always be Free-to-Play and a Play-to-Win server. Donation rewards are only time-saving perks. Donations help us keep the server alive and advertise it to new players.

The payments are 100% secure and safe. The whole process is handled by Paypal, and your sensitive data never reaches our servers, we only receive the payment confirmation to process the rewards.

How to donate

Open the community board by hitting Alt-B and navigate to the Donations tab. You will find all the available items or services there. Some items are limited and their sale will end on the displayed date.

In order to obtain coins type the desired amount and click on the "Get coins" button. Your browser will open and you will be redirected to Paypal. Complete your payment and wait until you are redirected back to our website. If something goes wrong you can open a support ticket.

All coins are rewarded automatically within the next 30 seconds.

After you complete your payment DO NOT close the Paypal window. Wait until you are redirected to our website. Please, note that any donations made are non-refundable under any circumstances (including if your account gets banned due to breaking our server rules).
Donations panel

You can donate online using the following form. All coins will be instantly added to your account. You will receive 1 coins for each 1€ that you donate.

After you complete your payment DO NOT close the Paypal window. Wait until you are redirected to our website. Please, note that any donations made are non-refundable under any circumstances (including if your account gets banned due to breaking our server rules).