There are few restrictions to global shouting to maintain order. Shouting is only available to characters level 40 or more. Also, shouting has a cooldown of 30 seconds per message.
Weapons and armors up to B-grade are available for purchase on all weapons & armor shops in all towns/villages.
Consumables, scrolls, and jewels are available at all Grocery Stores.
Recipes for A-Grade items can be earned through quests.
For buffs you must find another player (Prophet, Bladedancer etc) and ask him/her to provide you with buffs. Normal buffs last for 1 hour, while dances and songs last for 10 minutes.
If you character is stacked, you can unstuck it from your account’s section. You can also cancel all its effects. Keep in mind that this also includes buffs.
Unstucking a character takes 5 minutes in order to prevent bad usage. Unstucking cannot be used on players with karma. If your character has karma and its stacked, you must open a support ticket.
In order to prevent fake emails we validate each email using third party services. There are several factors taken under consideration when validating an email and it’s out of our hand. If you can’t use a different email address, send us an email to [email protected] from you email address with subject “Validate my email” and we will whitelist your address.
In case you have lost your account or password, you can recover them by opening this link. Access to your email is required to restore your password.
There are several reasons that your account was banned. Make sure that you read all our rules.
When a bot software is detected in your computer, a countdown timer starts for the account, and it will get banned eventually. The ban can be executed at any time from the next minutes up to a few weeks later.
This means that it doesn’t matter if you only used the bot software once, and it was 2 weeks ago, the account will be inevitably banned, and you may well be doing nothing illegal when you got banned, but you did it in the past. This is intended to discourage people from using such kind of bot software, as the risk is too high, so please refrain from using such kind of software to play in our server and you will have no problems.
I was playing with my “brother” suddenly got some random letters on the screen and got banned, what happened?
Dual-boxing is not allowed in our server, please read our rules.
A friend of mine logged in with my account and he was the one breaking the rules. Can you ban him, and unban me, please?
No, sorry, your account, your responsibility. If you choose to share it, you are fully responsible of whatever it happens with it, and you will suffer the consequences, so make sure you don’t share it at all, or only share it with people you can really trust.
Ok, I was using bot software but not in Lineage2Arc, it was for another server, can you please unban me?
No. It does not matter whether the software was being used in our server or somewhere else, if any forbidden software is detected in the computer while playing in our server, the account will be inevitably banned.
I got banned and I’ m a clan leader, can we change the leader of the clan please?
No, when an account is banned, it is with all the consequences. Leading a clan is a big responsibility, make sure you do not break the rules and you will not have any problems.
Ok, I learnt the lesson I will not bot/dual-box again, can you please unban me? I used it only once
No, bot software bans are permanent here. It doesn’t matter if you used it once or many times, you broke the rules when you used it.
I created a new account and got banned again, do you do IP/HWID ban?
Only on exceptional cases, when we really don't want you on our server. Normally you can have a second chance creating a new account and starting from scratch. Make sure you do a complete cleanup of your computer before creating a new account. Keep in mind that even if you login once from one account, we will keep track of it.
If after reading all of above you still think you are innocent, you can appeal by opening a support ticket, but mind you 99% of the appeals are rejected, so if you used any bot software please don’t bother getting in touch as your account will not be unbanned.
We have an IP restriction in order to prevent dual-boxing. If there are more players in the same IP you can request a special license in order to increase the maximum numbers of accounts connected.
Open a support ticket and select the “Licensed player” category. Make sure that you have read our rules first.
Hit Alt-B in game to open the community board. You can vote by clicking on each site and acquire voting points.
You can spend your voting points on special rewards. Some rewards are limited and will be replaces by others after they expire.
You can stack up to 500 voting points on your account. All characters on your account share the same number of points. You can only vote once every 12 hours. Each vote on any site rewards you with 1 point. This means that you can earn up to 12 points per day if you vote on 6 sites per 12 hours.
Hit Alt-B in game to open the community board and navigate to the tab “Donations”.
You can by any item that is shown on the Donations tab if you have donation coins. Donation coins are shared to all the characters of your account.
To avoid exploits and bad use on the referral system, all the rewards are delivered manually by our team. Open a support ticket and choose the category “Referral system”. We will check your referred players and we will give you your rewards.
We have a special “Streamer” in-game title and a “Streamer” role on discord. It is rewarded to all streamers that exclusively stream Lineage2Arc on Twitch, Youtube or Facebook.
You can apply for the Streamer role by opening a support ticket. Read more at our streamer page.
As a partnered streamer, you'll have the opportunity to do exclusive giveaways for your viewers, and provide them with a unique and engaging Lineage 2 experience. Read more at our partnership page.
There are special rules applied to all streamers.
You can find graphics for your streams at our Branding page.